
FotoForensics is an online-based tool designed for validating the authenticity of images. It utilizes technologically advanced algorithms to detect manipulated or edited images and expose concealment efforts.

Updated: 2 months ago



FotoForensics is an online tool that helps you to analyse photos and validate their authenticity. This tool is extremely advantageous, as it provides an algorithm that examines the photo and allows you to determine potential anomalies or alterations in its structure. By utilising Error Level Analysis (ELA), which identifies modifications made to an image, FotoForensics can detect inconsistencies that can indicate whether a photo has been manipulated or edited. The FotoForensic can also extract metadata, providing additional information about the picture, its creation, and the device on which it was made. Whether you are become a digital researcher or you need to confirm the authenticity of an image, FotoForensics is your fast and efficient solution.

How it works

  1. 1. Go to the FotoForensics website.
  2. 2. Upload the image or paste the URL of the image.
  3. 3. Click 'Upload File'
  4. 4. Examine the results provided by FotoForensics.

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